This article was originally published as dated below. It has been reedited for computer transmission as of 4/22/95. No substantial factual changes have been made from the original except to correct minor errors.

A Monthly Publication


It is the editorial intention for this monthly report to involve people in a lucid and technically competent discussion of UFO phenomenon. These reports will discuss the history of the phenomenon, UFO flight characteristics, the occupants, UFO physical effects, their propulsion methods, the technological and theoretical implications, and the social and spiritual implications of the phenomenon.
Gary Wade ( Editor )

When I was five years old, I took a trip with my father to Stockton, California, to see my great uncle, Scotty. Scotty owned a bar in Stockton and he and my father settled into discussing the old days and drinking to the good things. After an hour or two of drinking and socializing, my father and uncle decided to go see some other old friends and left me in the care of my step - aunt and the bartender. They left at around 3 P.M. and returned around 2 A.M.. Upon their return they were feeling no pain. My uncle cooked up a version of chorizo and eggs for breakfast. We had our fill of breakfast, said our good-bys and departed around 3:30 A.M. for San Francisco to visit my great uncle Erret. My father was still feeling no pain, but at five years old I did not have any say about it, so we departed. I was sleepy, so I soon went to sleep with my head on my father's lap. While I was sleeping a woman's voice spoke to me. She explained to me in a urgent manner that we were in great danger, that I was to wake up, stand up and grab my father by his shoulder. I was to shake him as hard as I could and yell, "STOP! STOP! STOP! . . . " in his ear until he stopped the car. I woke up and did as I had been told. As I performed the voice's bidding, I could see that my father was in something of a stupor. He came out of his stupor as I yelled and shook him and he stopped the car. As the car came to a halt, I could see that about fifty feet in front of us the off ramp from the bay bridge ended in mid air, several hundred feet from shore. They were still constructing the Bay Bridge at that time and my father, in his drunken state, had somehow ignored the barricades to this off - ramp and drove around them onto the unfinished span.
After the car stopped, my father realized something was not quite right. I instructed him to turn the car around and get back onto the bridge. He did this and I kept an eye on him until we reached the city, then went back to sleep.
My father has no memory of this event, but then again, he was blind drunk.
This was the first but not the last time that my guardian angle saved my life. From this and other experiences I know first hand of the power and love in that other normally intangible universe which is the home of our sprits.

In the past and into the present, the study of UFO phenomenon has suffered from undue or unjust prejudice from the scientific community. This prejudice takes several forms and has several rationales. Some of these prejudices and rationales are: 1) Life is a very rare phenomenon and therefore we should not expect visitors, 2) The distances between the stars are so vast and the maximum speed is that of light which is so slow, we are hard to reach and should not expect visitors, 3) If visitors from other worlds had come to earth they would have made themselves evident to all. They have not, therefore they have not come here. 4) Despite all the UFO reports, there is no hard evidence for their presence or existence and therefore they do not exist, 5) Many UFO reports, particularly contactee reports, are so weird or bizarre that they can not be real.
All of the above prejudices and their rationales are flawed, as I will now demonstrate.

1) Rare Life _ The idea that life is a very rare phenomenon is now being discarded in the scientific community since solar systems are apparently commonly formed as the stars themselves are formed. Also, there is now good experimental evidence that organic chemistry reactions which supply the base compounds for life as we know it will occur naturally on planets with water and an atmosphere.
2) Light Barrier Limitations _ The currently accepted and experimentally verified ( to within .1 % ) theory of special relativity has, as one of its postulates, the constancy of the speed of light for all observers. As the formulas for relativistic kinematics are derived, it is found that the maximum speed that mass can have relative to an observer is the speed of light. Furthermore, to reach this speed barrier an infinite amount of energy is required. The normal interpretation of the special relativity theory therefore has the speed of light as the insurmountable speed barrier. What is not taken into account is the possibility and the consequences of a technology that is capable of accelerating the rate of time flow. For example, if a spacecraft were to maintain a 500 times normal rate of time flow around itself, could it move 50 times the speed of light relative to a local star system and yet measure its own speed at approximately .1 times the speed of light relative to the local space closing on the space craft hull. If this is possible, and I believe it is, then the stars await us as soon as we can overcome our belief and theory barriers.
3) They Have Not Made Themselves Evident _ The argument that extraterrestrials have not made themselves evident is the most worthless of the arguments against their existence. The people who use this argument invariably have not done any in - depth research on UFO phenomenon. They are also invariably so biased against the existence of extraterrestrial visitation that they will refuse to do any reasonable study of the UFO phenomenon.
4) There Is No Hard Evidence - If by hard evidence they mean possession of UFOs, then, yes, there is hard evidence. The U.S. government has at least four relatively intact crashed UFOs with their dead occupants. I can state this because I have studied UFO phenomenon for 20 plus years, and during that time I have come across substantial circumstantial evidence and eyewitness evidence to four separate UFO crashes where our government obtained possession of each UFO. Our government will not admit this. However, our government has shown itself to be an inveterate liar when it comes to UFO phenomenon.
If by hard evidence we mean genuine photographic evidence of UFOs, then, yes, it exists. There are several excellent publicly available motion pictures of UFOs and many more still photos that all pass close scientific inspection for authenticity.
5) Too Bizarre _ Just because we judge a reported event to be bizarre or strange is not sufficient grounds for discounting its reality. Extraterrestrial encounters are in general encounters with beings that come from civilizations that are millions and even billions of years advanced both materially and spiritually. Think how strange and bizarre our ways of thinking, and being, must be to them.
The belief barrier is one of the most powerful barriers in the universe. Our beliefs form the basis for most of our limitations and if you fight for your limitations, they are yours.

Humorous image.

In the July 86 issue of THE UFO REPORT, the CYCLIC BIG POOF, a form of the Oscillating Universe Theory was put forth. In this scenario, there came a time when the contracting super plasma universe went through a critical pressure and temperature region where the super plasma began to explosively expand again. This explosive expansion was powered by three sources: 1) Galactic kinetic energy being converted into thermal energy when the coalescing relativistic galaxies enter the super plasma, 2) Neutrino reactions converting heavier elements into lighter elements with associated heating, and 3) Gravitational coalescing blackbody radiation.
If this scenario has merit, what happens to those relativisticly coalescing galaxies that encounter the now explosively expanding super plasma at various times after the expansion has begun? At what time after the explosive expansion can a coalescing galaxy not be utterly destroyed by an encounter with the expanding super plasma? Are some coalescing galaxies stripped of all of their gas and dust and most of their stars only leaving a remnant or remnants of the dense galactic core intact? Do some of these remnants travel off with the expanding plasma to become the center for quasar formation once the expanding plasma has cooled to a non - ionized state? Should there be a spherical shell of quasars at the edge of the known universe which corresponds to galaxies that were stripped down to a super massive star or stars by the super plasma initial expansion? Do some of these later formed galactic remnants such as super massive stars or globular star clusters form the nucleation sites for normal galaxies such as dwarf galaxies or our own galaxy? Do some remnants form nucleation sites for globular clusters? Are there super massive stars in galactic cores which become remnants?
Well, these can be hard questions to answer. However, let us consider what qualitative characteristics globular clusters could have, if their origin is from a galactic core remnant or previous globular clusters. The stars in the collapsing / coalescing universe should be mainly infrared and black dwarf stars relatively rich in the heavier elements. These supposed galactic remnants or globular cluster remnants will form "new" star condensation regions / sites for the relatively abundant hydrogen and helium gas of the now cooled super plasma. We should expect that large amounts of condensation should occur onto these dwarf stars, such that nuclear fusion again occurs in these "new" stars. In the course of time, novas and the solar winds should put the heavier elements back into the stellar formation medium. In the course of a few billion years, these star nucleation regions should settle into a mixture of common star types. These are relatively rich in the heavier elements when compared to the stars in a large galaxy like ours which would have had a larger proportion of its mass coming from the super plasma's hydrogen and helium. In particular, globular clusters which orbit furthest out from the center of galaxies and have larger eccentricity in their orbits should be richer in heavier elements. This should be due to their later formation and / or capture by the galaxy and therefore less time for accumulation of cooled super plasma, which would give a higher relative amount of the heavier elements. Just such a statistical correlation between relative metal abundance and distance from the galactic core does exist. Now whether this is due to the speculation stated above or some other reason I do not know. However, the Cyclic Big Poof offers a promising solution to this and other mysteries of the universe's structure and formation. Again, I ask, I challenge, and I encourage astrophysicists, physicists, and astronomers to contemplate and do calculations on the possibilities I have put forth.

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